The Origin of RST theory


Since time immemorial, philosophers and psychologists have attempted to understand human nature. One of the oldest methods is found in Indian Knowledge System, namely, Samkhya. The wisdom of Samkhya provides an interesting and novel approach to the prediction of our actions. It answers many questions about the why behave in a particular way in a given situation.The RST Personality Report, Career Guidance Report and Leadrship Style Report has been developed after extensive and prolonged research on Guna (as explained in Samkhya) to identify the principal drivers of our personalities. For the first time, we have been able to explain a quantifiable framework to understand our personality types based on the Samkhya school of thought. 

The doctrines of Samkhya philosophy are found in the Bhagwat-Gita, Upanishads and Mahabharata. The basic tenets of Samkhya can be seen in Jainism, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisesika and Vedanta. The great sage Kapila was the founder of the Samkhya School of philosophy, thousands of years ago, through a script known as the Samkhya-sutra. The Mahabharata, the longest epic in the world at 1.8 million words – ten times the length of the Odyssey and the Iliad combined – is said to broadly contain every kind of personality that can conceivably exist. It does so through a complete understanding of the many combinations of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas energies in a person.

There are many, many objects in this world. They all exist in their own way, with different natures, shapes, sizes, characteristics, features and purposes. In a metaphysical sense, the Samkhya system believes in ‘Dualistic Realism’. It advocates two ultimate realities: Prakriti (Matter) and Purusha (the Self or spirit). Samkhya considers both matter and spirit to be equally real. However, the two are radically different and mutually exclusive. Prakriti is the physical manifestation of the universe. Prakriti, or matter, is unintelligent and gets greatly influenced by the Purusha, the Cosmic consciousness. Samkhya philosophy argues that Purusha and Prakriti are the ultimate cause of creation of this world. Evolution starts when Purusha and Prakriti come together and try to combine.

Prakriti is said to be in a state of equilibrium of the Gunas of Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. The term Guna, in its ordinary sense, represents the qualities, energies, or characteristics of nature. Metaphorically, it is the genus of which the Gunas are the species. By being in a state of equilibrium, the Gunas are in their latent, potential or inactive state - the state of not yet being in effect. 

Sattva is concerned with goodness – the spiritual energy. Rajas is concerned with passionate action – the emotional energy. Tamas is associated with inertia of our physical body, mind and intellect. They are eternally bound to one another, and by their very nature, try to overpower, support, produce, and intimately mix with one another. When there is no creation, these three Gunas remain in tranquility. However, when Purusha interacts with Prakriti, there is a vibration in Prakriti. This vibration results in the three Gunas intermingling, and mixing in different proportions. Thus, according to Samkhya philosophy, the coming together of Purusha and Prakriti is responsible for the creation of both tangible objects like tables, chairs, human beings, animals, etc. along with the intangible elements such as the mind, intellect and ego. 

If we know the different levels of these energies, and their combinations present in us, we would be able to understand, to some extent, the basis of our true nature and the play of our personality.

Using this philosophy as its basis, this personality test attempts to explain how people belonging to a specific personality type are likely to behave. Remember, however, that these are just indicators and tendencies, and do not present definite guidelines or limitations. The RST Personality Report provides a guideline to understand our true nature at a given point in time; think of it as a ‘milestone’ in our journey of personal growth and the understanding of others. .

The first Guna is called Sattva, the spiritual energy which influences our spiritual quality, goodness, compassion. 

The second Guna is called Rajas, the emotional energy for action to realize a cause, or pursue an interest or fulfill a purpose in life.

The third Guna is called Tamas, is the inertia or resistance to change  of our physical body, mind and intellect. 

The Guna composition of Sattva-Rajas, or transcendental energy, is a combination of spiritual and emotional energies giving rise to spiritual emotion which is a state of experiencing Divine within ourselves and others. 

The Guna composition of Sattva-Tamas, or intellectual energy is a combination of goodness and intellectual activity. 

The Guna composition of Rajas-Tamas, or active energy, is a combination of action and resistance enhancing various skills. 

The Guna composition of Rajas-Sattva-Tamas, represents our attitude towards life, and influences our personal values and beliefs. 

Our personality is a sum total of these seven energies driving our true nature. It is important to note that at any given time, only one principal driver and its groupings are dominant - be it spiritual energy, emotional energy or resistance to change: 

1.    Spiritual energy is dominant with its combinations: S, along with RS, ST, and RST.
2.    Emotional energy is dominant with its combinations: R, along with RS, RT, and RST.
3.    Inertia is dominant with its combinations: T, along with RT, ST, and RST.


The RST Personality Quotient is meant to understand our true nature at a given point in time; think of it as a ‘milestone’ in our journey of personal growth and the understanding of others.

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