Program Details

We have the following training programs available for academic institutions and business organizations:.

Know yourself: Understand your RST Personality (2 sessions of one hour each)

Many of us, who take personality tests more than once, receive dissimilar results each time. It is because human behavior is situation specific. We reveal different facets of our personalities in different situations. Our personality is not static - we change as we learn and grow.Many of us, who take personality tests more than once, receive dissimilar results each time. It is because human behavior is situation specific. We reveal different facets of our personalities in different situations. Our personality is not static - we change as we learn and grow. Our personality is different when we are guided by goodness within us. Our personality is different when we are overcome by our desires. Also, our personality is different when we face changes in our life and work environment.

This training session helps you to understand your RST Personality Report.

Know yourself to lead others: Your authentic leadership styles (3 sessions of one hour each)

Every one of us is a leader. It could be in the context of our family, in friend circles, or in formal or informal groups. In some situations, we are given formal authority, while in others, we grab it ourselves. We know it, whether other people recognize it or not. Given this context, it will be very helpful if we understand the pattern of our leadership styles in various situations and circumstances so that we can utilize it more effectively.

Your Leadership Style Report is based on your Guna composition. This training session helps you to understand your various leadership styles.

Career Guidance and Competency Matching (2 sessions of one hour each)

Somewhere deep down within we know what we like to do, and have an inkling of which vocation, occupation, or career is most suitable for us. As we grow up, we hear success stories, get mesmerized by them, and strive to be like them. We start ignoring activities that gave us the most satisfaction, forgetting that those activities never felt like work. The biggest advantage of identifying your career choice based on your true nature is that there is a higher possibility of attaining perfection in your identified profession. There is no denying the fact that by performing one’s karma and working devotedly one can reach perfection in one’s occupation.

Your career guidance report indicates how these three Gunas and their composition influence your career choice.

How to achieve perfection? (3 sessions of one hour each)

In the Gita, Arjuna asks 15 questions to Krishna. This training program focusses on these 15 questions and rearranges the teachings of the Gita in a new format. Some of the question Arjuna asks are: What is the right thing to do? How you can control your mind? What is the ultimate goal of life? Krishna calls it the most royal and secret knowledge.

In three hours gain the knowledge of the Gita to achieve perfection in your endeavours.

Team Building based on RST personalities (2 sessions of one hour each)

Team Building refers to a process of selecting individuals based on the task, establishing and developing a sense of togetherness, and trust among team members. Team members need to have skills and expertise needed for the problem they are going to address. They should possess all the necessary qualities to complement each other and they should be aware of each other's strengths and weaknesses. It is important that a team has multiple types of personalities. There should be one who knows where to draw a line. There should a member who is willing to compromise if situation demands. Then, there should be one who knows how to negotiate a win-win situation.

This training session helps you to build an effective and efficient team based on the concept of Gunas.

Triguna and the art of Conflict Resolution (2 sessions of one hour each)

Conflict is more than an argument, or a mild disagreement. It happens on the job, between groups in our society, within families, and right in the middle of our most personal relationships. The Triguna concept identifies true nature of people. The knowledge of triguna composition of people involved provides an additional dimension to resolve the conflict. It will also help in selecting a person who may resolve an existing conflict.

For more details on any of the above programs, you can send an email to

The RST Personality Quotient is meant to understand our true nature at a given point in time; think of it as a ‘milestone’ in our journey of personal growth and the understanding of others.

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Designed, Developed & Maintained By Satish Modh in association with Triguna Darshan Private Limited